Feed Me..

Feed Me..
Heirloom Scallop Yellow Squash

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the beginning....

In the beginning all that was there was a woodchip path I had created, my beautiful arbor made by engineer turned artist (Hortonville, WI) to my specifications, and the boxes (made by my man ;-)).
Then I added created soil (an adventure for a later post).

2010 Harvest Pictures

July 12, 2010 "Feed Me" Heirloom Scalloped Yellow Squash

July 12, 2010 Sweet Peppers, Marjoram, Kohlrabi, Lime Basil (oh my goodness is that good)

A month later...

August 5, 2012  Cucumbers and very happy Nasturtiums

August 5, 2012 "Feed Me" Heirloom Scallop Squash plant

Did I mention this is the "Feed Me" plant?  LOL. We kept warning Tobes (my Dachsund) to stay away for fear he would disappear.  He did not listen.  He had great fun sticking his nose in.  And yes, that really is the size of the leaves on this thing, hence the nickname "Feed Me".  Looks like a fig leaf doesn't it?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pick Mattock - Lawn Attack

Today was a beautiful day.  64 degrees in NE WI on March 13th! 
I went out with my new Pick Mattock and learned how to use it to tear up my lawn.   I am putting in an 18 inch border around my entire south side of the house.  The majority of the south side is an ever expanding vegetable and kitchen herb square foot garden.  
I went vertical last year thanks to my partner who helped me figure out that I needed electrical conduit corners which have screws to hold the pieces together.  Tis truly so simple, once you have the right pieces! 
                Please peak back throughout the spring, summer, and fall and watch my garden grow.  Share your organic gardening tips,favorite things in your garden or gardening inspirations.